In just 60 years we’ve come so far.
Together we can go so much farther.
Sixty years ago, a small group of dedicated dermatologists formed the Dermatology Foundation to keep the specialty strong and growing.
Since then, the DF has been investing in rising investigators making cutting-edge discoveries. We’ve been providing support and educational opportunities for dermatologists in private practice and academia.
Yet, there is so much more we can do together.
Together, we can continue to advance new breakthroughs, new treatments, new cures. Together we can keep changing what kind of care we can give, what kind of hope we can offer and what shape Dermatology will take in the future.
The next 60 years starts now. What will we make possible together?
60 Years of Discovery and Impact
What difference does the Dermatology Foundation make? For an investigator, their award from the DF changed everything. For practicing dermatologists, their investment in the DF helped launch new ideas and turned possibilities into improved therapies.
Read these interviews with your colleagues and see for yourself what the Dermatology Foundation’s backing has meant for all of us and the specialty.
Dr. Lindsay Ackerman
Medical Dermatology Specialists, Phoenix
With Great Privilege Comes Great Responsibility
Dr. Lindsay Ackerman, is a board-certified dermatologist who practices medical and surgical dermatology with the objective of treating each patient as an individual with unique needs. She was the founding physician of Medical Dermatology Specialists in Phoenix, where she continues to practice outpatient and inpatient dermatology. Dr. Ackerman is an Associate Professor of Dermatology at the University of Arizona, Phoenix, and serves as the medical director of the US Dermatology Partners Clinical Research Institute. She has been the recipient of many honors from Tulane University, the American Academy of Dermatology, the American Medical Association, the Women’s Dermatologic Society, the American Society of Dermatologic Surgery, the University of Arizona, and the University of Pennsylvania.
Dr. Howa Yeung
Emory University School of Medicine
Breaking Down Barriers: Empowering Research in the LGBTQ Community
Dr. Howa Yeung is an Associate Professor of Dermatology at the Emory University School of Medicine. He is a faculty member of the Cancer Prevention and Control research program at the Winship Cancer Institute and PRISM Health (Programs, Research, & Innovation in Sexual Minority Health) at the Rollins School of Public Health. Dr. Yeung has research expertise on skin diseases that disproportionately affect minority populations, with a focus on those affecting sexual and gender minority patients. We recently talked to him about his career in supporting LGBTQ patients, and his hopes for future research.
In this time of shrinking healthcare dollars and grant money, it’s more important than ever that we support rising dermatologist investigators and fund research to find the treatments our patients need now and in the future. Tomorrow’s discoveries are waiting.
Our Impact
Over the past 60 years, the Dermatology Foundation has achieved a breathtaking level of impact on the development of new knowledge in dermatology and supported the professional growth of more than a thousand investigators. Many of today’s therapeutic advancements began with DF funded investigators and their work.
The depth and breadth of research funded by the DF is remarkable, with over invested in the specialty.
Research Grants0
Research Fellowships0
Research Career Development Awards0
Clinical Career Development Awards0
Dermatologist Investigator Research Fellowships0
Physician Scientist Career Development Awards0
Medical Dermatology Career Development Awards0
Women’s Health Career Development AwardDF funded Investigations have spanned overincluding:
- Aging/ Photoaging
- Allergy
- Atopic Dermatitis
- Auto-immunity
- Acne/ Rosacea
- Aestetic Procedures
- Blistering Diseases
- Carcinogenesis and Cancer Genetics
- Chemoprevention
- Clinical Trial / Therapeutics
- Connective Tissue Disease
- Contact dermatitis
- Cutaneous Lymphoma
- Epidemiology and Public Health
- Epidermal Structure and Barrier Function
- Genetic Diseases, Gene Regulation and Gene Therapy
- Growth Factors, Cell Adhesion and Matrix Biology
- Hair Disorders
- Healthcare Delivery
- Hidradenitis Supparativa
- Immunity and Lymphocyte Biology
- Immunotherapy
- Infectious Diseases
- Inflammation
- Keratinization Disorders
- Laser and Light Devices
- Melanoma
- Microbiology
- Microbiome
- Mohs Surgery
- Mouse Models
- Nevi/ Melanoma
- Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer
- Pediatric Dermatology
- Pharmacology and Drug Development
- Photobiology
- Pigmentation and Melanocyte Biology
- Psoriasis
- Scar
- Skin and Hair Developmental Biology
- Skin of Color
- Stem Cell
- Surgical Other
- Surgical Wound Healing
- Tissue Regeneration and Wound Healing
- Tumor Immunology
- Vitiligo / Pigmentation
- Women’s Health
- Wound Healing
Dermatological diseases affect almost 900 million people globally. Yet there are only 110 FDA approved drugs for dermatological conditions and diseases. Literally hundreds of millions of people suffer daily from dermatology complaints for which today there are no cures.
Together we can support research that matters and ease the suffering of patients around the world. Together we can invest in the dermatology of tomorrow.
There is so much to be proud of in the history of the DF.
When the Dermatology Foundation began, the founders adopted “shaping the future of dermatology” as their slogan. Throughout our history that has remained our mandate.
Now, 60 years later, the Dermatology Foundation is the premier nonprofit organization focusing on discovery and advancement in our field -- ultimately leading to better care of patients. As we embark on this next 60 years, we’ve adopted a new slogan and rallying cry: Advance Discovery. Advance Healing.
If you’d like to explore our history, look through this archive of annual reports, membership rosters and photos. If you’d like a reprint of any of the reports or rosters, contact dfgen@dermatologyfoundation.org
Annual Reports
Membership Rosters
What if you could invest in innovation today that would change tomorrow? When you donate to the Dermatology Foundation you are doing just that - funding early and mid-stage investigator grants and awards to some of the US’s top dermatology researchers. You’re investing in research that leads to new drugs and much-needed treatments. You are investing in the future of dermatology.
To celebrate our 60th year and to forge new ways forward, our goal is to raise $2 million. Will you join us? Will you donate today - for researchers, for doctors, for patients, for tomorrow?