7 Advances in Atopic Dermatitis


While corporate interest in developing targeted agents to treat atopic dermatitis (AD) has been growing rapidly over the past few years, the Dermatology Foundation has a long history of funding research into the pathogenesis and treatment of atopic dermatitis dating back decades. Indeed, many of the concepts that underlie the newest and emerging treatments and the investigators whom we associate with advancing the field have been supported by the DF. Some examples include:

  1. As far back as the mid-1990s, the DF was funding research into the role of inflammatory pathways in AD ranging from the earliest studies of IL4 signal transduction in AD (1996) to IL1a’s role (2018).
  2. In 2004, Eric Simpson, M.D., was awarded a Physician Scientist Career Development Award (CDA) to study the role of the skin barrier in AD.
  3. In 2011, Emma Guttman-Yassky, M.D., Ph.D., was awarded a Physician Scientist CDA to study the immunomodulatory effects of narrow band UVB in AD.
  4. Amy Paller, M.D., one of the leading clinical investigators in pediatric AD, is not only the recipient of three prior DF research Grants but at least eight of her mentees have received a variety of DF awards.
  5. Jonathan Silverberg, M.D., Ph.D., MPH, another leading AD investigator, was supported by a DF Public health CDA in 2015 to study ethnic and racial health care disparities in AD.
  6. In 2009, April Armstrong, M.D., MPH, another leading clinical investigator, received a DF Clinical CDA to evaluate an online care model for AD.
  7. The DF has also been a pioneer in funding research into the skin microbiome and inflammation including the role of bleach baths on the skin microbiome in AD.

Without a doubt, the DF has played a fundamental role in setting the stage for the current ability of corporate partners to develop therapeutic products and services for AD and to benefit from a cadre of established and emerging academic leaders/investigators.


Categories: News / Press Releases


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