$1 Million for Health Equity

Many hands of different races and ethnicities. United for equality: Diverse youth fighting against discrimination

The Dermatology Foundation and the Skin of Color Society have partnered together to create and deliver a prominent and impactful opportunity to further health equity in our specialty — the state in which everyone has a fair and just opportunity to attain their highest level of health.

Thanks to a new $1,000,000 sponsorship, the Sanofi-Regeneron Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Mid-Career Award will be available to three exceptional investigators beginning in 2024.

DF President, Janet A. Fairley, MD, shares that the Foundation is grateful for Sanofi-Regeneron’s generous support and is excited about the opportunity to collaborate with the Skin of Color Society on the new DEI mid-career award. “We believe this award can be transformative in supporting the next generation of clinical, translational and basic researchers in this critical area. Our research programs need to reflect the changing demographics and skin problems in the U.S. and this program will help us achieve this aim.”

Each award will provide $100,000 in annual funding for up to three years for research that will help expand our understanding of dermatological issues impacting underrepresented or underserved groups in medicine. Applications may be submitted September 15th through December 1st. Watch the DF website for detailed application instructions.

Categories: News / Press Releases


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