Dermatologist Investigator Research Fellowship
The Dermatology Foundation offers a fellowship that is intended to advance the research careers of individuals in the early stages of career development. Each awarded fellowship, in the amount of $35,000, provides an annual salary stipend and is not intended for faculty. The award may only be supplemented by department funds, NIH training grants, mentors’ R01/P01 grants, and other granting agencies providing support equivalent to a training grant. Award funds cannot be used for payment of indirect costs.

Know Before You Apply
All Foundation-funded research must be conducted in the U.S. under the sponsorship of a department/division of dermatology that is ACGME-approved for training in dermatology. Applicants must meet the DF’s general eligibility requirements, in addition to award-specific requirements presented on or before the time of funding. Applicants from minority populations are encouraged to apply.
The DF encourages applications concerning health issues impacting applicants from minority populations, including, but not limited to, racial minorities, sexual ¬ gender/LGBTQ minorities, and underserved/disadvantaged populations.
Dermatologist Investigator Research Fellowship FAQs
This fellowship supports dermatologists who desire research training and have a commitment to an academic career in medical and surgical dermatology. Consideration will also be given to individuals with substantial training in other areas who are entering into skin research. Applicants may NOT apply simultaneously for this award and a Foundation grant.
Am I Eligible?
If you meet the requirements below, you may be eligible to apply for a Dermatologist Investigator Research Fellowship.
- MD; MD, PhD; or DO degree
- Completed training in a 3-year U.S dermatology residency program OR completed one year of 4-year U.S. dermatology residency program and will be in lab or research year during award period
- Assistant Professor or above is not eligible
- Must devote 75% of time to cutaneous research
- Mentor has an academic appointment in dermatology or another program at the sponsoring institution that is approved by the dermatology chair
- May only receive simultaneous salary support from department funds, NIH training grants, mentors’ R01/P01 grants, and other granting agencies providing support equivalent to a training grant
How do I apply for a DF fellowship?
Starting in July 2024, the DF will be accepting new applications for career development awards, fellowships and research grants via our CDAFG Research Award Application Portal. The Applicant Instructions provided below include essential information potential applicants need to know to evaluate the various award opportunities and develop a successful application and research proposal. Interested individuals are strongly encouraged to read sections II and III before assembling their application. Updated application instructions for the 2025 cycle will be available in the coming weeks.
The DF has also prepared a Quick Reference Guide to enable users to quickly acclimate to the online application system.
Application deadline: October 15, 2024

Anna E. Kersh, MD, PhD
University of Pennsylvania
Dermatologist Investigator Research Fellowship
Featured Researcher
Elucidating Genes Involved in the Pathogenesis of Lichen Planus and Lichenoid Dermatoses
We are investigating the pathogenesis of lichen planus (LP) and other lichenoid dermatoses using single-cell RNA sequencing and similar techniques on fresh lesional and nonlesional skin biopsies from patients. We will identify relevant cell types, proteins, and signaling pathways that may be responsible for driving disease, and confirm our findings in vitro with the ultimate goal of identifying novel therapeutic targets for these conditions.